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FACELIFT (Rhytidectomy)

A facelift is a surgical procedure that tightens loose skin over the cheeks, jaw, and neck, and can make you look younger and well rested.  A consultation with Dr. Dec will help determine if you are an appropriate candidate for a facelift and help you understand the risks and benefits of surgery. 

A facelift is performed through incisions hidden around the ears. Tissues are tightened and excess skin is removed or repositioned.  The procedure takes approximately three to four hours depending on the extent of surgery.  Other complementary procedures, such as facial fat grafting, may be done at the same time.


After surgery, your face may feel tight or tender and will be covered with a dressing to reduce swelling.  You will also have drains to remove excess fluid.  Dr. Dec will prescribe medications to reduce pain and risk of infection.  Most patients leave the hospital the same day and are then cared for by a private duty nurse until the next day.


Bruising, swelling, and numbness are normal and usually take about three weeks to resolve.  Sleeping with your head elevated on two pillows will help reduce swelling.  You may resume mild activities the day after surgery and strenuous activities after one month.  You will see the final results, looking younger and refreshed, after one month.  At this time the face looks natural and facial expression remains the same.


Request a consultation or call (212) 390-8400 to schedule an appointment.









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